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Spark Tennis Fitness Program! A life long commitment and investment into your child’s health and well-being.

Spark Tennis


Why is fitness important?

The movement and physical activity habits of children have changed over the years. The Australian physical activity report cards from the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance in Australia for 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022 continue to present an alarming picture of inactivity with a score of D minus. Reports continue to stack up about the ‘movement crisis’ in Australia where the idea of a ‘sporty nation’ seems to be a ‘bit of a myth’ for current and recent generations. Overall, Australian children are less physically active with more than one in five kids not achieving the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Kids these days engage in less physical activity and informal play, or ‘pick-up’ game experiences than past generations leading to many children not achieving a basic grasp of Fundamental Perceptual Movement Skills (FPMS) by the end of Grade 6.

Did you know? 
Generally, children who do not achieve a level of movement competence and confidence in the early years are unlikely to pursue an active lifestyle in later years.

There are many reasons why kids need to be physically active. It improves fitness, helps with weight maintenance, strengthens muscles and bones and reduces the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes later in life. Regular physical activity has also been found to help children be more confident, have better concentration, be better able to cope with stress and anxiety, regulate their emotions and to engage in more positive social interactions. There are also links to increased academic performance. Less activity, a decline in the mastery of FPMS and an overall decrease in movement competence and confidence mean that this generation will enter our clubs and programs with less movement capability and confidence.

What is Tennis Fitness, and what are the key areas to focus on? 

The key areas are – Flexibility and mobility, strength, endurance, Speed and Agility. These form the foundation of a very well-rounded tennis player.

These are the key areas we cover in our fitness program. 



Tennis Classes for Kids Melbourne - Spark Tennis South Gisborne

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“A Good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life.”